Top 10 Very Unfortunate X-Rays
X-Ray photography has had an enormous impact on the quality of health-care that we receive in modern days. There is no doubt that it makes surgeries for the removal of foreign objects much easier (in the old days Doctors would have to cut and hope for the best). This list includes 10 of the most unfortunate accidents caught on X-Ray film. Warning: some images are very disturbing.
10 Foot X-Ray
This is a Chinese woman with bound feet. You can read more about bound feet on this list.
9 Smoking Gun
Is that a gun in your vagina or are you just happy to see me? Actually, that’s a gun-shaped lighter and a glass crack pipe.
8 Bottle Butt
60 year old man with a bottle up his butt; it was forcibly inserted by thieves.
7 Nail gun
A rather unfortunate nail gun accident.
6 Butter Knife
This is an eleven year old boy with a butter knife lodged in his head.
5 Army Sergeant
United States Army Sgt.stabbed in the head by an insurgent on the streets of East Baghdad.
4 Car keys
This is a 17 month old baby that fell on a set of car keys.
3 Scissors