Thursday, 21 February 2013

Latest Top 10 Medical Inventions

Latest Top 10 Medical Inventions

Medicine is heavily depending on Electromedical equipment and developed to treat patients and to develop new novel strategies to deal with more complex and complicated problems. Here is the list of top 10 innovations in the field of Electromedical equipment in the recent times.

10. Clamp For Traumatic Bleeding

Inspired by the hair clip someone came up with the idea of designing a gadget which could be used as a clamp to stop traumatic bleeding. It is handy to carry and very easy to apply. It approximates both the edges of the skin to close the wound and stop the bleeding.

09. A Chip Designed To Diagnose Flu

This microfluidic chip is very handy in diagnosing flu especially for screening during endemics like that of H1N1 during 2009. More traditional methods like viral cultures and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique are more expensive, lab intensive, lengthy and time consuming.
This chip is quick, cheap and sensitive in detecting flu virus. It is composed of three subdivisions, top column extracts RNA from specific proteins of the flu virus, middle chamber converts RNA into DNA and in climate controlled bottom channel DNA is detected by an external reader.

08. Your iPhone Can Check Your body Temperature

ThermoDock is an infrared device, which can be plugged in iPhone and then directed at the forehead to record its temperature. This device does not have to be in contact with the body surface to record its temperature hence you can also check the temperature of your coffee without bringing your iPhone in contact with it. This device can also record the ambient, room and outdoor, temperatures.

07. A Novel Approach To Reduce The Rate Of Eating Disorders

A piece of legislation has been passed in Israel to bar ultra-thin and skinny models from appearing in advertisements and shows. It also requires all types of media to mention prominently alongside the pictures of both male and female models when these have been photo-shopped to make them appear thinner than they actually are. It is said that this approach will help curb the eating disorders among the general public who usually copy the celebrity figures like models, actresses and actors.

06. A Cheaper And Quicker Method Of Detecting Malaria And HIV

This is an origami paper device, which is very cheap to print and takes very short time for folding. In this technique a hydrophobic substance such as wax is applied on the chromatography paper, to channelize the under test sample (blood, urine, saliva etc.) towards the reagents which have been embedded over a few spots on the paper. If the sample contains (glucose, HIV, malaria, etc.), for whatever it is being tested than a specific reaction occurs such paper turning into a specific color or showing two lines instead of one hence indicating presence of a disease very quickly and at a very low cost.

05. 4 Wheel Drive Next Generation Wheel Chair

This vehicle has been named as permoveh or personal mobility vehicle. It is stable, can navigate through tight spaces and has very easy maneuverability in all directions. It is maneuvered by the user with a hand held control. It has four wheels of similar shape and size and each wheel is fitted with 32 rollers which rotate perpendicular to the direction of the rim. For forward and backward movement wheels alone move for sideways movement rollers alone move and for diagonal movement both wheels and rollers move.

04. Regeneration Of Burned Faces

The traditional treatment of burns involves removal of damaged tissue and its replacement with grafts, which can lead to various complications including speech problems, deformities and scarring and it also requires multiple surgeries.
The new, under research technique of smart biomass  consists of a face-shaped rigid shell, which is covered by flexible polymer layers with embedded electrical and mechanical components. The polymer layers are pushed up against the wounds by the actuators and the inner mechanism is held in place by the outer shell over a period of months during which patient wears masks. A sub-atmospheric pressure is created within the layers by a network of  microwave and microfluidic channels. The formation of this vacuum promotes healing of the wounds while the growth factor and stem cells are pumped into the injured tissues of face to promote regeneration. Feedback about the condition of the specific wound areas is provided by the sensors. This technique can lead to the speedy recovery and reduction in the number of operations that the burn patients have to undergo.

03. Use Of The Tongue To Operate Computer, Wheel Chair

The patients with paralysis of both arms and legs (e.g; patients having ALS or high level spinal cord injury) have traditionally been using sip and puff technique to operate powered wheelchairs and computers. Sip and puff technique requires the user to sip or puff precise amount of air into a straw to issue a command. In the latest development these patients can use their tongue to issue a command just by pointing to it in the desired direction. In this technique movements of a magnet, embedded in the tongue, are detected by the sensors, which are retained by a retainer fitted in the roof of the mouth.

2. Devices Flowing In The Blood Stream

A new generation of implantable devices is being introduced which are so small that they can travel through our blood stream and are powered wirelessly by electromagnetic radio-waves. These devices travel by the blood stream and reach the target site in the human body and perform various diagnostic and therapeutic procedures like, performing microscopic imaging study of the target tissue, removing a blood clot or after being implanted in or near the site of tumor emitting targeted radiation at the malignant cells not only to significantly prolong survival of the cancer patients but also avoid the deleterious effects of conventional radiation therapy for cancer.

01. GPS Shoes

People with amnesia, dementia or poor memory tends to forget their way home. It is said that if you forget where have you placed your keys then it is alright but if you forget how to use your keys then it is definitely Alzheimer’s or dementia. GPS-fitted shoes are a befitting  solution to this problem however these shoes also require to be remembered to wear in order to be useful.

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