Wednesday, 10 April 2013



1. Researchers of the New-York University established that depression destroys nerve cells  
    In the front part of the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for optimism. When the  
    A way to restore them is found, it will be possible to overcome depression.

2. The World Health Organization estimates that depression will be the second highest 
    Medical cause of disability by the year 2030, second only to HIV/AIDS.

3. The American Psychiatric Association has made up the rating of the most depressive 

                        -Babysitters, nannies, nurses and the unemployed (12.7%),
                        -People working in public catering: waiters, cooks and barmen (10.3%),
                        -Doctors, nurses and social workers (9.6%).

4. About ¾ of the population of the USA take antidepressants.

5. Women are twice as likely to suffer from depression than men. Women may be at a 
    Higher risk for depression due in part to estrogen, which may alter the activity of 
    Neurotransmitters that contribute to depression.

6. Researchers have recently found that those who suffer from depression are at risk for 
    Low bone mineral density. Depressed women are especially at risk for developing 

7. Abraham Lincoln first fell into a deep depression after Ann Rutledge, his first love, 
    Died. Lincoln reportedly suffered from chronic depression his entire life.

8. As many as 15% of those who suffer from some form of depression take their lives each 

9. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), more than 6% of children suffer 
    From depression and 4.9% of them have major depression.

10. Depressed people get colds more frequently than non-depressed people.

11. Sufferers of depression are more likely to have a heart attack than those who are not 
      Depressed. Additionally, people who have heart attacks or heart surgery are more of 
      Risk for depression.

12. Bipolar disorder, or manic depression, affects nearly 6 million American adults in a 
      Given year.

13. It was noticed that we have a depression not because of troubles, but because of the 
      Lack of positive emotions.

14. It is depression, which leads to 75% of all visits to the psychotherapist.

15. The average video gamer is typically 35-year-old male who is most likely depressed, 
      Overweight, and introverted.

16. A depressed woman is more likely to give birth early, increasing health risks for both 
      The woman and the baby. Between 14 and 23% of pregnant women experience some 
      Sort of depressive disorder, Eating seafood rich in Omega-3 may help pregnant women 
      With depression.

17. Long-term use of marijuana leads to changes in dopamine production and has been 
      Implicated in the onset of depressive symptoms

18. Antidepressants cannot help in dealing with disease if the person cannot refuse his or 
      Her former lifestyle, which has provoked it.

19. The earliest medical description of depression dates back to Hippocrates, the Greek 
      “Father of medicine,” who attributed depression, or melancholy, to an imbalance of 
      The body’s four humors. The theory was that too much black bile created a 
      Melancholic temperament—literally melanin (black) and Charlie (bile). To overcome 
      Depression, Hippocrates recommended re balancing body systems using relaxation and 
      Healthy living strategies as well as bloodletting and leeches.

20. Many creative individuals have experienced depression, including Robert Schumann, 
      Ludwig van Beethoven, Peter Tchaikovsky, John Lennon, Edgar Allan Poe, Mark 
      Twain, Georgia O’Keefe, Vincent van Gogh, Ernest Hemmingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, 
      And Sylvia Plath.

21. On a worldwide basis, depression ranks fourth as a cause of disability and early death 
      According to the Global Burden of Disease Study.

22. Some diseases are interconnected with depression, such as thyroid problems, heart 
      Disease, stroke, cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, obstructive sleep apnea, 
      And chronic pain.

23. The total cost of depression in the Untied States is estimated to be $44 billion: $12 
      Billion in direct costs of treatment, $8 billion in premature death, and $24 billion in 
      Absenteeism and reduced productivity at work. These do not include out-of-pocket 
      Family expenses, costs of minor and untreated depression, excessive hospitalization, 
      General medical services, and diagnostic tests.

24. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is the term for depressive periods that are related to 
      A change of season. SAD is four times more common in women than in men.

25. There are about 5% of people in the world who never have depression. They are also 
      Called “Sunny people”. But most of us have been in such condition not once.

26. Depression can lead even to prison. So Harry Mackinnon was so much afraid of aliens 
      That after some time, has got a depression. To get rid of depression he cracked 97 
      Servers of NASA are looking for information about a UFO. Now he is sentenced to 70 years 

27. 80% of all people with clinical depression who have received treatment significantly 
      Improve their lives

Mind Blowing Facts We Found This Week

Mind Blowing Facts We Found This Week

ello guys, I hope you are enjoying your weekend, chilling out with friends, partying, boozing or definitely getting bored of surfing the Internet (going through the links, status, photos). 
Well I promise, you will not get bored by going through this post, these mind boggling facts will definitely blow up your mind, so without wasting time here we go..

Late Start With Something Big!

What if I give you 100 billion dollars? What would you do with that?

Now don't tell me you will go for recently revealed $3.5 million Lykan Hypersport! 
Dude that's a full $1.1 million more than the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport, the current most expensive car in the world (not any more). Powered by a mid-rear positioned, twin turbocharged flat-six engine generating 750 horsepower, W Motors says the car can go from 0-100 km/h (62 mph) in a neck-snapping 2.8 seconds, on the way to a top speed of 395 km/h (245 mph).

The exorbitant price tag isn’t just due to the car’s claimed performance. Sure to dazzle oncoming traffic, the LED headlights feature white gold surrounds encrusted with diamonds. And the bling doesn’t end there, with buyers able to choose to integrate rubies, emeralds or sapphires throughout the car depending on their color choice.

Oh wait.. You think too much!
Did I mention 100 billion Zimbabwe dollars?

Sorry guys! This is what you can get in 100 billion Zimbabwe dollars.

So which Binbows do you use in your computer?

Sorry I mean windows, no binbows, no wait..

Michaelsoft Binbows Is Japanese For "Get A Cheap PC Here"– the word ‘bingo’ (貧乏)in Japanese means ‘poor’, so the bilingual pun works on a promotional level as well (to sell their ‘ultra-cheap’ computer parts as the characters on the far left signify)
I hope it's not boring so far.. 

1 more fact I would like to tell you about the Internet. 

Did You Know?

In 2002, the average user spent 46 minutes on the Internet a day - In 2012, the average user spent 4 hours on the Internet everyday.

Mind not blown yet?

Okay check this one out!

So do you like prison break? So do he..

An overweight inmate who tried to escape a Brazilian jail through a hole smashed through a prison wall had to be rescued by firemen after he got stuck halfway through.

I guess it's enough for this week, here is last one..

How long did it take you before you found out what's going on in here?

Mind = Blown

I hope you guys enjoyed this post, please comment below and must share with your friends, so that we could get more encouragement to do these kind of posts more often! And sorry for my bad English.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Fact Of cola?

Fact Of cola?

dangers of cola
There’s always been a definite amount of caffeine in every color and its effects cannot be neglected at all. This is not only an addictive substance but has bad impact over heart rhythms and pulse rates. In addition to it, caffeine also promotes the excessive production of urine that ultimately dehydrates the entire body with a very short span of time.
The second most damaging ingredient of cola is the sugar. Habitual cola drinking routine can lead to disturbance of sugar level along with cavities problems. For sugar, people may argue about its substitute being used in cola these days thinking that they are good or have no bad impact. However, drinks being manufactured with sugar substitutes have a more bad impact as compared to sugarcoated drinks. Even in some cases, it’s been seen that people have been diagnosed with severe brain dysfunctionalities problems along with incurable states of cancer too.
When it comes to carbonation, this also plays a vital role in disturbing the digestion system and especially the kidneys. Many people have been found visiting dentists because their tooth color had gradually started to fade due to habitual cola drinking routine.
Artificial Colors:
In addition to it, a recent study shows that the coloring element of cola and other flavor enhancement substances have got severe impact over bones and calcium. Once the person gets addictive about it, his\her body gradually starts to hollow from inside.
Cola with Mentos:
cola with mentos
Image credit: Flickr hmerinomx
A recent study said that taking cola with mentors can be very much dangerous for us and our stomach may explode. This is because of a chemical reaction which rapidly form foam of cola. It is also proved in many experiments by scientists and experts.